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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Operations and Other Comprehensive (Loss) / Income
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Corporate Information
Basis of Preparation
Material Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Judgments, Estimates and Assumptions
Revenue from Contracts with Customers and Cost of Sales
Research and Development Expenses
General and Administrative Expenses
Selling Expenses
Other Income
Other Expenses
Financial Result
Income Taxes
Loss per Share
Intangible Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment
Investment in a Joint Venture / Associate
Other Financial Assets
Non-Financial Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Shareholders' Equity
Share-based Payments
Other Financial Liabilities
Post-Employment Benefits
Trade and other Payables
Other Non-Financial Liabilities
Financial Instruments
Commitments and Contingencies
Related Party Disclosures
Events after the Reporting Period
Accounting Policies
Material Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Basis of Preparation (Tables)
Material Accounting Policies (Tables)
Research and Development Expenses (Tables)
General and Administrative Expenses (Tables)
Selling Expenses (Tables)
Other Income (Tables)
Other Expenses (Tables)
Financial Result (Tables)
Income Taxes (Tables)
Loss per Share (Tables)
Intangible Assets (Tables)
Property, Plant and Equipment (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Investment in a Joint Venture / Associate (Tables)
Other Financial Assets (Tables)
Non-Financial Assets (Tables)
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tables)
Shareholders' Equity (Tables)
Share-based Payments (Tables)
Warrants (Tables)
Provisions (Tables)
Trade and other Payables (Tables)
Other Non-Financial Liabilities (Tables)
Financial Instruments (Tables)
Related Party Disclosures (Tables)
Notes Details
Corporate Information (Details)
Basis of Preparation - Going Concern (Details)
Basis of Preparation - Group Information (Details)
Material Accounting Policies - Purchase of intangible assets (Details)
Material Accounting Policies - Estimated useful lives of property plant and equipment (Details)
Material Accounting Policies (Details)
Significant Accounting Judgments, Estimates and Assumptions (Details)
Significant Accounting Judgments, Estimates and Assumptions - Investment in associate - Purchase Price Allocation (Details)
Revenue from Contracts with Customers and Cost of Sales (Details)
Research and Development Expenses (Details)
Research and Development Expenses - Additional Information (Details)
General and Administrative Expenses (Details)
General and Administrative Expenses - Additional Information (Details)
Selling Expenses (Details)
Other Income (Details)
Other Income - Additional Information (Details)
Other Expenses (Details)
Financial Result (Details)
Financial Result - Additional Information (Details)
Income Taxes - Expense for Income Tax Expense (Details)
Income Taxes - Income Tax Expense (Details)
Income Taxes - Reconciliation of expected tax expense (Details)
Income Taxes - Deferred tax related to Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Income Taxes - Tax attributes (gross) (Details)
Income Taxes - Deductible temporary differences and tax loss and interest carryforwards (Details)
Loss per Share (Details)
Intangible Assets (Details)
Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
Property, Plant and Equipment - Property, plant and equipment is distributed among geographical areas (Details)
Leases - Right-of-use assets (Details)
Leases - Lease liabilities (Details)
Leases - Current and non-current portion of lease liabilities (Details)
Leases - Related expense (Details)
Leases - Composition of lease payments (Details)
Leases - Total cash outflow (Details)
Investment in a Joint Venture / Associate (Details)
Investment in a Joint Venture / Associate - Valuation of investment in Zenlabs (Details)
Investment in a Joint Venture / Associate - Financial information for Zenlabs (Details)
Other Financial Assets - Other financial assets (Details)
Other Financial Assets - Fixed term deposit (Details)
Non-Financial Assets (Details)
Non-Financial Assets - Prepaid expenses (Details)
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Additional information (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Movements of the shares issued (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Share Purchase Agreement ("ELOC") (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Registered Direct Offering ("RDO") (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - 2022 Private Placement ("2022 PIPE") (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - May 2023 Warrants (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Confidentially Marketed Public Offering ("CMPO") (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - 2023 Private Placement (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Share-based payments (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Treasury Shares (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Treasury Shares - Additional Information (Details)
Share-based Payments - Other plans (Details)
Share-based Payments - Expense recognized for participant services received (Details)
Share-based Payments - Movements during the year (Details)
Share-based Payments - Measurement of fair values (Details)
Share-based Payments - Additional Informations (Details)
Warrants - Components (Details)
Warrants - Movements of the warrant (Details)
Warrants - Reorganization Warrants (Details)
Warrants - RDO Warrants & 2022 PIPE Warrants (Details)
Warrants - Additional Information (Details)
Warrants - Sensitivity analysis for the May 2023 Warrants at initial recognition (Details)
Provisions (Details)
Post-Employment Benefits (Details)
Post-Employment Benefits - Reconciliation of the net defined benefit liability (Details)
Trade and other Payables (Details)
Other Non-Financial Liabilities (Details)
Financial Instruments - Financial instruments, analyzed by classes and categories (Details)
Financial Instruments - Thereof aggregated to categories according to IFRS 9 (Details)
Financial Instruments - Financial assets and liabilities measured at FVTPL (Details)
Financial Instruments - Effect of reasonable changes of the most significant input parameters on the fair values of the embedded derivatives (Details)
Financial Instruments - The movements in level 3 fair values (Details)
Financial Instruments - Net gains and losses for each of the financial instrument measurement categories (Details)
Financial Instruments - Credit Risk (Details)
Financial Instruments - Movement in the impairment loss allowance for the financial assets exposed to credit risks that are not measured at FVPTL (Details)
Financial Instruments - Foreign Currency Risk (Details)
Financial Instruments - Carrying amount of monetary assets and liabilities (Details)
Financial Instruments - Interest Rate Risk (Details)
Financial Instruments - Other Price Risk (Details)
Financial Instruments - Liquidity Risk (Details)
Financial Instruments - Reconciliation of changes in liabilities arising from financing activities (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Details)
Related Party Disclosures - Share based ultimate controlling party (Details)
Related Party Disclosures - Additional information (Details)
Related Party Disclosures - Annual remuneration and related compensation costs recognized as expense (Details)
Related Party Disclosures - Other transactions with key management personnel (Details)
Related party Disclosures - Transactions with other related parties (Details)
Related Party Disclosures - Transactions with shareholders (Details)
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